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Gross And Net Product

The other day I happened to be talking to a politician who was also a successful entrepreneur. He knew of the absurdity that when there is more taken in tax receipts or borrowed from future taxpayers, this extraction of wealth adds to the GDP statistics. Creating more outside money via QE does the same. All […]

Did The Savings Glut Or Massive Monetary Epansion Cause The Boom And The Bust?

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard recently pinned the blame for the financial crisis on “Asia’s `Savings Glut’”. This idea is not new. For readers who may have missed it the first time, we’re republishing this article from September 2009 which argues that monetary policy caused the boom, the bust and the savings glut. Distinguished commentator and economist Martin Wolf […]

Forward To Liberalism

It was a great pleasure and a privilege to be asked by Jeff Tucker of Laissez Faire Books to write this foreword to Liberalism, the timeless classic written by Ludwig von Mises in 1927. This edition of Liberalism is available through the Laissez Faire Club. Foreword by Toby Baxendale This is a timeless book. It […]

Hugh Hendry v. Joseph Stiglitz

I received this YouTube clip from a friend of the Cobden Centre and I think it is fantastic. It shows the fundamental banality of the mainstream economists and their entrenched views: more “political cohesion”, more debt, spend, spend, spend … Such advice will push our economies over the edge. Investor Hugh Hendry gives Nobel Laureate […]

Fraud – Documentary

This is a documentary that is long overdue, written from the perspective of the Austrian School. These are the economists of Business Cycle Theory — the theory that predicted our boom and bust. I invite you to watch this film and make up your own mind. Austrian School views were prevalent up to the 1930s, […]

A Great Teacher

Professor Pete Boettke is one of our advisors and friends. In the English speaking world, if you want to know anything about economics – go to Pete, from the most obscure point to the most life changing, Pete will have a good grounding in it. In fact, economics is just a branch of knowledge Pete […]


This is a documentary that is long overdue, written from the perspective of the Austrian School. These are the economists of Business Cycle Theory — the theory that predicted our boom and bust. [vimeo height=”360″ width=”620″]http://vimeo.com/45687897[/vimeo] I invite you to watch this film and make up your own mind. Austrian School views were prevalent up […]

Our Central Bankers Are intellectually Bankrupt

The best article we’ve seen in the FT for a long time, courtesy of Ron Paul … The financial crisis has fully exposed the intellectual bankruptcy of the world’s central bankers. Why? Central bankers neglect the fact that interest rates are prices. Manipulating those prices through credit expansion or contraction has real and deleterious effects […]

From Nuts To Paul Krugman

An excellent article from Amity Shlaes: Nut cases. That’s what they are. And if you take an interest in them, you are a nut case, too. That’s the consensus among credentialed economists who describe advocates of a return to the monetary regime known as the gold standard. In fact, the economic pack will marginalize you […]

Austrian Economics In Shanghai

Extraordinary things are happening in China, as we know. On the liberty-loving front, we can report a really interesting and path-breaking conference organised by our friend Ken Schoolland: The Shanghai Austrian Economic Summit A milestone event this summer in China. Sponsored by the International Society for Individual Liberty, we have 20+ speakers, 8 from the […]