Ron Paul’s Monetary Policy Anthology
I received an email the other day from Paul-Martin Foss, Legislative Assistant at the Office of Congressman Ron Paul:
Dear Friends of Dr. Paul, If you are receiving this email, it is because you are a friend of Dr. Paul, a witness at one of our monetary policy hearings, a contributor to what has become Dr. Paul’s Monetary Policy Anthology, or likely some combination of the three. To honor and preserve Dr. Paul’s legacy as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, we have compiled an anthology containing all of Dr. Paul’s activities as chairman. It contains all of his hearings within the DMP subcommittee, transcripts of our Tea Talk Lecture Series, transcripts of his exchanges with Fed Chairman Bernanke, etc. As a single document, the anthology as formatted runs to over 5000 pages, so we are splitting it into multiple sections and hosting it on Dr. Paul’s Congressional website. Today is the only day that those files will be available online, because today is the last day of the 112th Congress and our website will likely be taken down by close of business today.
Mr Foss subsequently uploaded the files to Dropbox for posterity. We have also archived them in our Downloads section. Here are the direct links:
- Vol I – Cobden Centre – Dropbox
- Vol II, Part 1 – Cobden Centre – Dropbox
- Vol II, Part 2 – Cobden Centre – Dropbox
- Vol II, Part 3 – Cobden Centre – Dropbox