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Bagehot's Obituary of Richard Cobden – 1865

Walter Bagehot’s 1865 obituary of Richard Cobden, from the Online Library of Liberty  (H/T Sean Corrigan). Twenty-three years ago—and it is very strange that it should be so many years—when Mr. Cobden first began to hold Free-trade meetings in the agricultural districts, people there were much confused. They could not believe the Mr. Cobden they saw to […]

Financial Regulation Goes Global

Dalibor Roháč of the Legatum Institute and Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayers’ Alliance have jointly authored a report on the risks of new global financial regulations: Around the world politicians and officials are advancing major new regulations of the financial services industry. Those regulations are a response to a major financial crisis, but real care needs to […]

Mr. Cobden On Banking

Bankers’ Magazine Vol I April-October 1844 – H/T Sean Corrigan The author of an interesting work published a short time since, entitled “Sir Robert Peel and his Era,” in which a lively sketch is given of the chief peculiarities, external and intellectual, of the leading members of the Houses of Parliament; refers to the assertion sometimes […]

Quote Of The Week: Henry Ford on FRB

When asked to bail out his son’s bank, Henry Ford, now in his seventies and increasingly autocratic and unreasonable, refused to bail out his son. He had a long-standing antipathy to bankers and could not quite grasp why banks should be allowed to use the money he deposited for making risky loans- “It’s just as if […]

Gold: An Objective Look At Subjective Value

Edited remarks from a speech given by Tony Deden at the annual meeting of the Spanish Precious Metals Association (AEMP) in Madrid on 25 November 2010. Also available in PDF. Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold is no longer the four-letter dirty word of years past. People see it with a mixture of unbelief, curiosity, greed and emotional […]

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

Two academics, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, recently wrote a best seller, The Spirit Level, which purported to show how having a much more equal society delivers up much more prosperity for a much bigger number in that society. We published a critical review of it here, with reference to Christopher Snowdon’s The Spirit Level Delusion. I have […]

Hayek-doubters re Denationalisation of Money: Eat Your Heart Out!

A great article from Harvard Business Review: Once upon a time, there was a country where bankers disappeared. The bankers, fed up with regulation, dissatisfaction, and downright hostility, decided to unleash the planet-destroying superweapon in their arsenal: they went on strike, not once, but three times. … This is no fairy tale, so we don’t have to imagine […]

Gold Bugs: Swivel-eyed, Mad-eyed, Lunatic Fringe?

Many of the authors and Cobden Centre advisory board members (including some distinguished academics) would like to see money eventually re-rooted back into some kind of commodity backing. Why? Simply put: the record of government control of the peoples’ money has been catastrophic! I have said here before: One ounce of gold today is worth $1,093.40 […]

Rockwell: The Gold Standard Never Dies

A great article by Lew Rockwell: John Maynard Keynes thought he had pretty well killed gold as a monetary standard back in the 1930s. Governments of the world did their best to help him. It took longer than they thought. Gold in the money survived all the way to Nixon, and it was he who finally drove […]

Cameron's Misguided Warning To China

In this article about our Prime Minister’s recent trip to China, the journalist warns us as follows The Prime Minister said China needed to understand what was at stake and he urged its leaders to open its markets. In a speech in Beijing Mr Cameron explained that for the world economy to be able to grow strongly […]